Endertainer Rig MCS2 | A Character Rig for Blender
What is Endertainer Rig?
Endertainer Rig is a character rig for Blender designed with a focus on simplicity and customization. Originally created as a Minecraft character rig preset, it has since evolved into a comprehensive library of assets, including rig modules, cosmetics, shaders, and more.
What this rig includes?
Base Content:
- MC character preset
- Basic rig modules
Extra Content:
- MC Anthro (canid) character preset
- MC Takai character preset
- Additional rig modules
- Shader node groups (iris, mouth, effects, etc)
- Cosmetics assets (armor, effects, body parts, etc)
- Pose library asset
This rig is licensed under the CC-BY-4.0 license. This license allows you to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the rig, even commercially, as long as you give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.
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